Our opening hours at Easter:

14.04.2022 (Maudy Thursday)12:00 Uhr untill 6:00 Uhr
15.04.2022 (Good Friday) from 12:00 Uhr nonstop
16.04.2022 nonstop
17.04.2022 (Easter Sunday)*nonstop
18.04.2022 (Easter Monday)nonstop till Tuesday 6:00 a.m.
*Attention: at Easter Sunday an admission price of € 30.00 applies throughout.

Update Corona Measures.

In accordance with the Senate’s decision to follow the federal requirements for basic Corona protection, all remaining Corona restrictions will be eliminated in the BOILER on April 1, 2022.

As of that date, the 2G+ provision will no longer apply:
presentation of proof of vaccination or testing will no longer be required!

Thank you to our guests and staff who have supported these measures over the past two years.

We still ask you to refrain from visiting us if you have cold symptoms. We also recommend that our guests have a regular corona test in order to detect any chains of infection in good time.
Of course, we offer our employees these tests on a regular basis as part of the company’s occupational health and safety program.

Update weekend operation:

The clubs in Berlin welcome their guests again – therefore, from the coming weekend, the BOILER will also be open continuously on weekends.
We will be there for you again every Friday from 12:00 to Monday at 6:00!

Update COVID-Regulations (2G-plus Framework will apply)

As of Friday, March 4, simplified requirements for attending BOILERS should apply. Due to a discrepancy in the wording between the Senate press release of March 1, 2022 and the text version of the currently valid COVID protection regulation, which was not published until March 4, 2022, the 2G-plus regulation will continue to apply for the time being after all.

This means that a current test must still be presented for a visit to the BOILER if no third vaccination can be proven.

Violence is never a solution

Putin’s attack on Ukraine has led to a war on European ground.
We are stunned and want to show our solidarity and connection with the people in Ukraine.
Therefore, the additional profits from our new ticket prices from March 1 to 7 will go to the fundraiser “Queere Nothilfe Ukraine” of the Aktionsbündnis gegen Homophobie e.V. (https://www.altruja.de/nothilfe-ukraine/spende).
We hope to make a small contribution for queer people who are in danger or need because of this war.

Update from 9.3.2022: Today we transferred the donation amount of 6,481 euros to the Action Alliance Queer Emergency Aid.
For the rest of the month, we will earmark an amount of 0.50 euros for each guest to support queer refugees.