Test operation of the infusion system

November 14th 2023

Due to a requirement from our insurance company, we have put our new automatic infusion system into operation. This system enables automatic infusions even at times when no staff are available.

The automatic infusions can now be enjoyed daily at 13:00 / 14:00 / 15:00 and 16:00 in four different flavors.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our (regular) guests who have so far accepted these afternoon infusions with such confidence.

Holiday Schedule 2023

Status 30.October 2023

For Christmas and the New Year, the BOILER will be open as follows:

Friday 22 December 2023
•Infusions from 17-21 o’clock
12:00 early bird rate 18 €
14:00 SINGLEENTRY 25 €
open non stop
Saturday 23 December 2023
•Infusions from 17-21 o’clock
open non stop
Sunday 24. December 2023
(Christmas Eve)
•Infusions from 17-21 o’clock
22:00 Night Owls 18 €
open until 6:00
Monday 25 December 2023
(Christmas Day)
•Infusions from 17-21 o’clock
12:00 SINGLEENTRY 28 €
open non stop
Tuesday 26 December 2023
(2nd Christmas Day)
• Infusions from 17-21 o’clock
• no theme night
22:00 Night Owls 18 €
open until 6:00
Wednesday 27 December 2023
•Infusions from 17-21 o’clock
12:00 early bird rate 18 €
14:00 SINGLEENTRY 25 €
22:00 Night Owls 18 €
open until 6:00
Thursday 28 December 2023
•Infusions from 17-21 o’clock
• no wellness evening today
12:00 early bird rate 18 €
14:00 SINGLEENTRY 25 €
22:00 Night Owls 18 €
open until 6:00
Friday 29 December 2023
• Aufgüsse von 17-21 Uhr
12:00 early bird rate 18 €
14:00 SINGLEENTRY 25 €
open non stop
Saturday 30 December 2023
•Infusions from 17-21 o’clock
open non stop
Sunday 31 December 2023
(New Year’s Eve)
•Infusions from 17-21 o’clock
open non stop
Monday 1st January 2024 (New Year)
•Infusions from 17-21 o’clock
22:00 Night Owls 18 €
open until 6:00
Tuesday 2nd January 2024
•Infusions from 17-21 o’clock
•no theme night
12:00 early bird rate 18 €
14:00 SINGLEENTRY 25 €
22:00 Night Owls 18 €
open until 6:00

**Note: on New Year’s Eve, an all-day admission price of € 33.00 applies,
on New Year’s Day the admission price of 33,00 € is valid from 00:00 until 22:00.

*Multiple tickets remain valid without surcharge!

Conscious Touch @BOILER

Tantra is liberation and expansion

Friday, 17 November 2023 (start 19:00) until
Sunday, 19 November 2023 (end approx. 2 p.m.)

This weekend is for men who want to get to know Tantra and Bodywork. All you need to bring is the desire to embark on this journey in a group of nice guys.

Workshop and break times for the days will be arranged together. The fee is 240 euros and includes admission to the BOILER on all days.
Towels are available on site for the workshop and a sauna visit. Please bring along for the workshop: Writing material, comfortable shorts and T-shirts; a blindfold – or triangular cloth to close the eyes and a sarong/wrap (approx. 140 x 90).

The number of participants is limited to a maximum of 12 men. Please register directly with André Kraft at mail@oriental-bodywork.de.

A holiday in Berlin

September 20th 2023

For the German Reunion Day on October 3rd, 2023, the BOILER will be open as follows:

Monday October 2nd 2023 (12:00-06:00)
• Infusion-Ceremonies from 17-21 h
• no youngSTAR-Event
12:00 h Early Bird 18 €
14:00 h Single Entry 25 €
22:00 h Night Owl 18 €
open till 6:00 h
Tuesday October 3rd 2023 (Holiday 12:00-6:00)
Infusion-Ceremonies from 17-21 h
• today no Theme-Night
12:00h Single Entry 28 €*
22:00 h Night Owl 18 €
open till 6:00 h
Wednesday October 4th 2023 (12:00-6:00)
Infusion-Ceremonies from 17-21 h
• youngStars from 14-24 h
12:00 h Early Bird 18 €
14:00 h Single Entry 25 €
open till 6:00 h

*Multiple Blocks will remain valid without surcharge!

Folsom-Weekend at BOILER

August 28th 2023

On FOLSOM-Weekend we are open as follow:

Thursday September 7th 2023
• Infusions from 17-21h
today no Wellness-Evening!
12:00h Early Bird 18 €
14:00h SINGLE ENTRY 25 €
22:00h Night Owls 18 €
open till 6:00h
Friday September 8th 2023
• Infusions from 17-21h
12:00h Early Bird 18 €
14:00h SINGLE ENTRY 25 €
Saturday September 9th 2023
• Infusions from 17-21h
open nonstop
Sunday September 10th 2023
• Infusions from 17-21h
22:00h Night Owls 18 €
open till 6:00h
Monday September 11th 2023
• Infusions from 17-21h
12:00h Early Bird 18 €
14:00h SINGLE ENTRY 25 €
22:00h Night Owls 18 €
open till 6:00h

* Multiple Tickets are valid without surcharge!